RetroRealms Arcade is one of those titles that seemingly came from nowhere, but that ticks SO many boxes for me. I mean, come on, old-school platformers based upon beloved horror franchises that crossover with one another? It’s everything I would have ever wanted as a kid, and now, in my thirties, it turns out that it’s still all that I want – even IF RetroRealms Arcade can be a bit pricey.
Check out some screenshots down below:

RetroRealms Arcade is the home hub of a series of 2D action-platformers based around horror franchises, with the first two releases being Halloween and Ash vs The Evil Dead. The arcade itself is 3D and offers a few areas for players to freely explore, with the arcade cabinets for each game joined by the likes of a museum of content related to each title, unlockable dioramas based around their levels, and even videos that detail their development. It’s a really cool concept and something that I’m excited to see eventually flesh out even further with additional titles in the future.
Of course, the best aspect of RetroRealms Arcade are the games themselves, and believe me, its opening two titles are a couple of doozies. Both adventures see players progressing through an array of colourful levels that are inspired by the franchises they are based upon, though some liberties have been taken to ensure that they bring with them plenty of variety and are fun to explore. However, there’s a twist in place that adds an extra layer of depth to each level: the Dark Realm. With the press of a button, players switch to an alternate dimension known as the Dark Realm, with the environment taking a more grotesque appearance and bringing with it vicious creatures out for your blood. However, it’ll also open up new pathways for players to take, with a shift to the Dark Realm required to not only progress through levels but also find some of the many collectibles that are scattered around.
The Dark Realm is actually connected to the big baddie of each game, the Overlord. Each of the two titles bring with them a narrative connected to the source material, but RetroRealms Arcade adds its own multiverse-like twist to proceedings by having the Overlord pulling the strings in each world. For example, in RetroRealms: Halloween, he has Michael Myers working for him by using his dead sister’s gravestone as bait, whilst in RetroRealms: Ash vs The Evil Dead, the Overlord has stolen the ominous Necronomicon and Ash needs to stop him. Neither narrative goes into a lot of depth, but they do add a playful twist to proceedings that gives each game their own sense of identity whilst still utilising the lore than fans will know and love.
“RetroRealms Arcade offers two exciting 2D adventures that use the Halloween and Ash vs The Evil Dead worlds in creative and compelling ways.”
When it comes to the gameplay, both Michael Myers and Ash are a real treat to play as. Michael Myers is a bit of a powerhouse, with his vicious slashing attacks and charge attack (which sees him lunge forward with his blade) ensuring he’s effective at… well… murdering anyone in his path. Ash is a bit nimbler and works better from range thanks to his charge attack allowing him to blast away at enemies with his handy Boomstick, though the fact that both characters can also use ranged sub-weapons a la Castlevania ensures that you’ll never feel at a disadvantage with either. RetroRealms Arcade also adds an extra element of depth by letting players level up characters as they progress, which sees them becoming more versatile and powerful across the later levels.
It’s a good job too, because each title brings with them some regular difficulty spikes as you deal with various hazards and a constant slew of enemies, whilst the boss battles at the end of levels can provide a stern test of your capabilities. It never feels unfair or tedious at all, but even platforming veterans will find their skills pushed on occasions. It’s all good fun though, whilst the varied selection of levels ensures each locale is a treat to explore.
You know how I mentioned that RetroRealms Arcade has its own multiverse thing going on? Well, that’s one of the coolest features of the game, with players able to take Michael Myers into RetroRealms: Ash vs The Evil Dead and Ash into RetroRealms: Halloween. Whilst it might sound a little gimmicky, it’s actually a clever and fun feature that allows you to experience each adventure in a whole new way. And come on, who wouldn’t want to see Michael Myers face off against Deadites, right? Whilst each adventure does share a whole lot of similarities, they also have enough distinctions to ensure they each feel unique and are worth re-visiting again with additional characters.
Check out some screenshots down below:

There is a one caveat though: you have to own each RetroRealms title in order to do this, and they are a bit pricey. Both RetroRealms: Halloween and RetroRealms: Ash vs The Evil Dead are priced at £20.99 each, which feels like a lot – especially since they’re not especially long games (and similar titles are available for much cheaper). What leaves an even sourer taste is the fact that there are also bonus characters for each game (Laurie Strode from Halloween and Kelly Maxwell from Ash vs The Evil Dead), and whilst they each bring their own unique move sets and narratives, they cost £4.29 each. It’s never fun to discuss game pricing and it’s understandable that licensing costs might be forcing the publisher’s hand here, but having to pay just under £42 to experience both titles (without any bonus characters) will undoubtedly be off-putting.
It’s a shame, because I really loved playing RetroRealms Arcade, with it easy to recommend to both fans of classic 2D platforming adventures and horror fanatics. It does so much right, with the satisfying gameplay, wonderful visuals, brilliant use of each licence, and creative multiverse setup making for a special experience. It just feels like the price is going to put a lot of gamers off, and with sales meaning everything, it could stop RetroRealms Arcade from expanding in the future.
RetorRealms Arcade Review
RetroRealms Arcade offers two exciting 2D adventures that use the Halloween and Ash vs The Evil Dead worlds in creative and compelling ways. I loved playing through each unique adventure, but mixing-and-matching characters afterwards? It was brilliant and re-enforces the potential that RetroRealms has. Add to that the lovely visuals, the satisfying gameplay, and the additional content found in the arcade environment, and you’ll quickly find that there’s something REALLY special on offer here.
It’s just a shame that it’s so expensive, with players having to fork out £41.98 to get both titles (and an extra £8.58 if they want the extra characters). It’s a lot to pay, and with plenty of similar titles available for cheaper, I’m not sure if the wonderful use of the licences will be enough to inspire gamers to part with their cash. It’s disappointing, especially given that the games themselves are so damn fun… here’s hoping that everything works out and RetroRealms Arcade continues to evolve and expand with time.
Oh, and developers? PLEASE make a Nightmare on Elm Street cabinet… I’ll love you forever.
Developer: WayForward
Publisher: Boss Team Games
Platform(s): PC (Reviewed), PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch