It only took one glance of Trepang2 to see it was heavily inspired by the FEAR series, but I think that’s something that the developer would be proud of. Why wouldn’t they be? It was a fantastic series that was beloved by fans (even if the third entry wasn’t quite so well-received). I’m happy to report that Trepang2 is more reminiscent of the gritty original though, with its thrilling gunplay and intense atmosphere sparking more than a few memories as I unleashed hell on my enemies. And you know what? I loved it.

Check out some screenshots down below:

Trepang2 puts players in the role of 106, an amnesiac super-soldier that has been kept captive due to their extraordinary abilities. And of course, you break free, giving you the opportunity to use your special powers to go on a shooting spree as you kill anyone that gets in your way. Ok, there’s a bit more to it than that, with a whole secretive showdown going on between military forces, but ultimately the narrative plays second fiddle to all of the frantic action of the game.

And believe me, that action is brilliant. Whilst the introduction to Trepang2 sees you sneaking your way through a strange facility due to your hands being bound, as soon as you get your hands on a weapon, you’ll feel unstoppable. The shooting is satisfyingly sublime thanks to the sense of oomph offered by each weapon (blowing the limbs off enemies with the shotgun is gruesomely fun), whilst the fact that your enemies actually put up a bit of a fight makes showdowns surprisingly strategic. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the time it’ll simply boil down to running around the room and blasting away at anyone in your path, but the variety of enemies and their intuitive AI does mean there’ll also be some occasions where you’ll need to have your wits about you if you hope to survive.

“The shooting is satisfyingly sublime thanks to the sense of oomph offered by each weapon (blowing the limbs off enemies with the shotgun is gruesomely fun), whilst the fact that your enemies actually put up a bit of a fight makes showdowns surprisingly strategic.”

Thankfully, you’re a super-soldier, with players armed with special abilities to give them the upper hand over foes. Your Cloak ability allows you to stealthily mask your appearance, making it easier to sneak by lurking enemies to get yourself in an advantageous position. Meanwhile, the Focus ability allows you to slow down time, letting you spray bullets on enemies with more fluidity and accuracy without having to worry about them dodging out of the way or striking back. Both feel great to use and give players a lot more flexibility in their approach, though they will need to recharge so you have to plan out their use carefully.

You’ve also got other more conventional abilities that can help out in a sticky situation. You can slide at enemies to wipe their feet out from under them, smash them over with a super punch, or hold foes as a human shield to protect yourself from incoming fire. They’re simple mechanics that players would’ve seen before in similar shooters, but they complement Trepang2’s action perfectly and give players a couple of extra tricks to have up their sleeve when wiping out a whole team in a swift flow.

Check out some screenshots down below:

Trepang2 really does a lot of things right, but one of my favourite things about it is its atmosphere. I mentioned how it’s clearly inspired by the FEAR series at the start of this review and that will be seen across the gameplay, but it’s also evident in the environmental design of the world and its unnerving tone. Whilst it doesn’t lean into the horror aspects as effectively as the FEAR series does, Trepang2 has plenty of moments that’ll keep players on the edge of the seat as they worry about what might be out to get them. And sure, it could be argued that some of the environments can feel a little bland (something also borrowed from the FEAR series), but the visual effects and bloody aftermath of each showdown with enemies ensure the world never feels boring to be a part of.

Trepang2 isn’t an overly long game, so players should be able to get through its main campaign in around five hours. Thankfully, it’s fleshed out with optional side missions, whilst challenges will arise that’ll encourage players to tackle higher difficulty levels in order to complete them. It adds to the replay value, and, since the gunplay is so fun, most are a treat to complete. That being said, I will admit I’ve been struggling on the higher difficulties, with Trepang2 certainly offering a punishing experience for those who are seeking it. Being able to customise your guns to help them pack a bit more power can help out in these situations, but with no real upgrades to be found for your character, it’ll ultimately be a test of your skill.

Trepang2 Review

Trepang2 is a brilliant shooter that captures the atmosphere and action of its inspiration perfectly thanks to its frantic gunplay and unnerving tone. It’s clear from the get-go that the FEAR series heavily inspired the game, and whilst it could be argued that it could have done with a few more original ideas of its own, it does everything SO well that it’s hard to complain. It’s brutal, fast-paced, and strategic, and with plenty of shocking moments to keep players on the edge of their seats, easily stands out as a must-play shooter.

Developer: Trepang Studios
Publisher: Team17
Platform(s): PC (Reviewed)